Employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction

The environment determines satisfaction

The functional and aesthetic quality of an office has a decisive influence on employees’ well-being and productivity. A well planned building fosters communication and offers an inspiring and dynamic environment that can adapt to the increasing project orientation in the working world. This employee orientation is also important in light of the shortage of skilled workers. That is because the only employers who will stand a chance in the battle to attract the best minds are those who take their employees seriously and meet their needs.

High-quality furnishing in terms of ergonomics and functionality

Employees integrated into the planning process

Enabling new ways of working

Employee satisfaction

Employees’ expectations about office environments are rising

Companies now have to offer more than just financial incentives. The trend that began with Generation Y is continuing in a more refined form with Generation Z. All employees, including millennials and their successor generations, want to feel good in their offices. They expect optimal temperatures, comfortable acoustics, and the opportunity to work in a different way depending on the situation. Old office architecture, such as fixed two-person and three-person offices lined up in a row along lengthy corridors, are discouraging to them. Workspaces like that symbolise the hierarchical mindset and silo mentality of ages past. At the same time, they frustrate the flow of information and make company developments more difficult.

Atmosphere is a complex interplay of numerous factors

In addition to the layout of the room structures and the ergonomics, functionality and aesthetics of the interior furnishings, there are a number of factors that need to be considered when creating a comfortable working atmosphere in the workplace. Acoustics in particular are a challenge when planning an open office. Then there is the integration of IT and providing light and temperatures that are optimised for the situation at hand.

Employee satisfaction

Actively supporting change processes

But it is not just employee expectations of the office environment that have risen. Many companies’ working methods are undergoing a fundamental transformation. Fixed workflows and processes are being replaced by flexible, temporary and dynamic projects. This poses challenges for employees, too. That is why integrating employees into future conversion processes is indispensable right from the very first day on which you decide to make a change. We directly incorporate employee’s wishes and requirements into our plans. That enables us to successfully implement the changes in your office environment and alter working methods in a sustainable, positive manner.